Delta Commissioner attends National Freshwater Conference

At the National Freshwater conference on 23 January, the Delta Commissioner responded to the conference conclusions. Those in attendance included administrators and directors of water authorities, the provinces, municipalities, the state and consumers. The Delta Commissioner expressed his appreciation that the regions have made their ambitions known. 

This provided the input required to flesh out the regional aspects of the policy lines discussed during the Delta Programme Steering Group meeting at the end of November last year.

The aim of the national conference was to bring together the knowledge and experience garnered from the debates in the regions and the meetings of the steering groups of the regional sub-programmes. This is an important component of the administrative consultation process with the water management bodies involved in the Delta Programme and of the preparation for the Delta Decision on fresh water.

During the conference, it turned out that administrators set great store by ambitions reflecting economic and sustainable development. Moreover, it appeared that there is a high degree of willingness to find solutions and to provide input. This is important because there are still difficult decisions to be made on the distribution of the water we have available.