
152 documents

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  1. Speech by Delta Commissioner Wim Kuijken, at the completion of the retaining wall in Harlingen, on Tuesday 24 August 2010

    Ladies and gentlemen, Today is a special day. The completion of the flood defence retaining wall here in Harlingen constitutes ...

    Speech | 24-08-2010

  2. Speech by Government Commissioner for the Delta Programme in the Netherlands, Mr. Wim Kuijken, at the International water conference 'Day of the Deltas' on Friday 20 August, 2010

    Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to begin by thanking Ms. Kruisinga and the Province of Noord-Holland for hosting this ...

    Speech | 23-08-2010

  3. Speech by Government Commissioner for the Delta Programme in the Netherlands, Mr. Wim Kuijken, at the plenary opening session of the World Water Week in Singapore on Tuesday 29 June 2010

    Ladies and gentlemen, Coastal regions and deltas across the globe benefit from their strategic locations, but such locations also ...

    Speech | 29-06-2010

  4. Speech by Government Commissioner Mr. Wim Kuijken at the World Water Week in Singapore

    Speech by Government Commissioner for the Delta Programme in the Netherlands, Mr. Wim Kuijken, at the River Basin and Delta ...

    Speech | 28-06-2010

  5. Speaking notes for Delta Commissioner Wim Kuijken for the presentation to be held for the French delegation on 13 April in Zeeland

    Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you very much for your kind words and in particular for your interest in the Delta Programme. In a ...

    Speech | 13-04-2010

  6. Visit of Delta Programme Commissioner to Rijnmond-Drechtsteden area

    On Monday, 1 March, Delta Programme Commissioner Wim Kuijken paid a work visit to the sub-programme of the Rijnmond-Drechtsteden ...

    Video | 02-03-2010

  7. Speech of the Delta Commissioner, Wim Kuijken, on his visit to the Rijnmond / Drechtsteden area on 1 March 2010

    Ladies and gentlemen, Ms Van de Hee, thank you for the warm welcome. This last week in particular, it has again become very clear ...

    Speech | 01-03-2010

  8. First workday of the Delta Programme Commissioner Wim Kuijken

    Video | 01-02-2010

  9. Speech by the Delta Programme Commissioner Wim Kuijken at the presentation at the administrative network day about the 2010 Delta Programme

    Ladies and gentlemen, This is my first official day as Delta Programme Commissioner. This morning, I laid a wreath at the ...

    Speech | 01-02-2010

  10. Statement by Delta Programme Commissioner Wim Kuijken at the commemorative ceremony at the National 1953 Flood Disaster Monument in Ouwerkerk

    For centuries, the Netherlands has both struggled and lived with water. Time and again we have managed to survive. On Sunday 1 ...

    Speech | 01-02-2010