
152 documents

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  1. Delta Programme 2016 (PDF)

    Publication | 15-09-2015

  2. DP2016 Map 2 Flood Protection Programme 2016-2021


    Map | 15-09-2015

  3. Aanbiedingsmail DP2016 ENG

    Publication | 15-09-2015

  4. DP2016 Map 3 Freshwater Supply projects

    Map | 15-09-2015

  5. DP2016 Map 1 Delta Programme mapped out

    Map | 15-09-2015

  6. Symposium Meta-management in the Delta

    Thursday, 9 April 2015 | Museum of Communication | The Hague. Report.

    Publication | 31-07-2015

  7. Speech festival Nederland Innoveert

    Speech | 18-03-2015

  8. How do we ensure that we do not make decisions or invest money too late, but also not unnecessarily?

    Climate change involves uncertainty, because we do not know exactly what the Netherlands will look like in the future. However, ...

    Question and answer

  9. Are the protection requirements for the Netherlands absurdly high? Other countries are much less strict.

    The Netherlands has the highest protection standards in the world for preventing floods. Those standards were established after ...

    Question and answer

  10. What is the difference between the Delta Commission and the Delta Programme?

    In 2008, the Delta Commission (chaired by former minister Cees Veerman) looked at whether we can continue living in the ...

    Question and answer