In what ways does the Delta Programme organise joint activities?

The Delta Programme is a national programme run by the national government, provinces, municipalities and water authorities, with contributions from business, citizens, knowledge institutes and stakeholder organisations. 

Water authorities are essential for the implementation of water management, and the management and maintenance of our dikes and dunes. Provinces and municipalities are important for spatial planning and area development. That is why the national government, provinces, municipalities and water authorities work together in the programmes of the Delta Programme. Regional steering groups advise on decisions, strategies and measures, as well as opportunities for an integrated approach. 

Flood risk management and fresh water concern us all. The Dutch water system is a coordinated system: the Delta Programme must therefore be implemented in a coordinated and integrated fashion. Integration means that, where possible when implementing measures for the Delta Programme, all important issues such as nature, the economy and spatial quality are taken into consideration. Regional area knowledge and skills are indispensable, both for implementation and to identify the important issues. In addition, spatial measures must be put into practice in municipalities and provinces.