Youth Water Board meets Delta Commissioner

To support the Delta Commissioner in communications about the Delta Programme, to actively participate in the Delta Conference, to advocate for water management to be a permanent component of the subject of geography at schools, and to provide input on the content of the Delta Viewer. These were the significant outcomes that the members of the Youth Water Board took home with them today after a talk with Delta Commissioner Wim Kuijken.

Youth Water Board meets Delta Commissioner

Following a general introduction about the Delta Programme, the Youth Water Board had the opportunity to exchange ideas with the Delta Commissioner about a variety of subjects. Among other things, the young people were interested in how you can export projects like “Room for the River”. Delta Commissioner Wim Kuijken told them that the Netherlands mainly exports approaches:“It’s about showing other countries how we do things. Showing them that everyone here in the Netherlands is involved in decisions. We have a truly different approach and other countries want to learn from us.” The political and administrative process surrounding the Delta Programme, disaster management and the day-to-day work of the Delta Commissioner were also discussed.

The Delta Commissioner stated that he sets great store by the involvement of young people in the Delta Programme: “Today I have made several good agreements with the Youth Water Board. It is important that they are actively involved in my work. They are the future of the Delta Programme.”